One of the biggest mistakes you could fall into in your business is getting “Paralysis by Analysis”
And if I had to place a bet, I would guess that 90% of online marketers are making the same mistake right now.
They’re thinking, “If I want to start earning more, I need to keep understanding more.”
But here’s the problem…
Too much learning causes “Paralysis by Analysis”
If you’re always stuck in knowledge acquisition mode, you might feel busy and accomplished, but in reality, time is just passing you by.
You might wake up six-months from now and still not have any sales, and there’s only one thing to blame.
“Paralysis by Analysis” is wasting your precious time AND your precious money.
Stop Studying, Take Action!
If you spend all day training but not doing the things that actually bring in revenue, you will never earn any money.
Getting on more webinars, and buying more books will not bring in revenue – UNLESS you actually apply what you learn and get some experience.
The answer is simple: You need to take action and get qualified people in front of your offer. You could even start right now – simply go write a Facebook Ad tonight before dinner.
It’s time to stop soaking up information, stop procrastinating, and it’s time to start doing.
Here are our top tips to avoid Paralysis by Analysis:
- Structure your day around the things that matter the most that will help move your business forward
- Don’t overwhelm yourself with information, if you really want to do some training, set aside a couple of hours of your day and split the time up, so you don’t get bogged down with information. Time goes nowhere and before you know, you could be spending all day training and will have achieved nothing in your business by the end of the day.
- Whilst every day we may encounter one problem or another, there are endless sources of information we can seek to help us solve our problem. Limit research with the main intention in mind and don’t go off on a tangent.
- Have a firm deadline in your mind and make sure you stick to it.
- Be mindful of the main objective you wish to achieve.
- Be interactive in your mind as you approach problems.
- Make a start, even if you don’t feel you are quite ready. Getting a project or task started is better than not starting at all.
- Learn to make decisions and stick by them.